No Intermediaries

How amazing is it that Christians have direct access to Jesus? You know it didn’t have to be that way. When Jesus was on the earth he had his twelve disciples. Within that group of twelve disciples he had his inner circle of three. Then within that inner circle of three, at least according to John’s gospel, he had that one disciple, “the one whom Jesus loved” (John 20.2). Given these close and intimate relationships it would have made sense for Jesus, at least while he was on earth, to have routed access to him through the one, three or all twelve of his disciples. And then it could have continued that way when he ascended, whether through Saints in heaven, angels, etc. In other words there easily could have been a hierarchy where the disciples, or Abraham, or angels ended up acting like his assistants, and the intermediaries between other Christians and himself. That would not have seemed that crazy. Really, it wouldn’t have been so different then the setup in the Old Testament between Israel, the priests and God.

But he didn’t do that. He didn’t set up the disciples or anyone else as intermediaries. He didn’t appoint more priests. Instead, he said things like, “Let the little children come to me,” (Mt 19.14) and “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11.28). Instead of making any hierarchy or system of intermediaries he made himself directly available to anyone that would come to him.

Again, how amazing that even right now I can come to Jesus and speak to him without anyone standing in between? And how crazy that I/we don't take advantage of that relationship more often; that we aren't on our knees before him more than we are?